Tuesday, February 20, 2007

deepOfix public release

Many things are happening around the world. People are working for a living, children are studying in schools, youth are looking for employment, cities, especially here in south India are growing. Today is a very special day because I am part of something unique. If I were to read a newspaper and ask myself, what does this newspaper have in it for me to be happy about, for example, a fellow Indian - Ratan Tata's work through the years in bringing a grand old company to this age when it has acquired both quality and size, the events culminating in his TATA's takeover of the Corus group. This kind of news makes me take pride in a fellow countryman and in many ways, a man I look up to personally as one who, having had wealth, nevertheless worked and with genuine sincerity and constancy through the years, has brought us here in this massive subcontinent a smile.

Sometimes, days pass us by and we wonder what has changed. Today, I believe something that has been in the laboratory of deeprootlinux is being unveiled - released publicly. Today, DeepRoot Linux releases deepOfix Mail Server, a one-of-its-kind product. deepOfix has been developed without using any propreitary software development platform or software development tool. Our network runs completely on Free Software products. We use FOSS (Free and Open Source) products for testing, linking, interpreting and compiling code, version management, hosting of our servers, managing mail withing our company. I am pleased to know of the many institutions using our product, many of who have good things to say about it. The DeepOfix page on sourceforge.net is:


Update: The deepOfix project is now at http://deepofix.org

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